





The incredibly effective evacuation rate of the A350 has just been proven. Full applause to Airbus designers and engineers for making it possible 2556
Massive respect to Airbus and JAL for designing a plane and operating procedures that enabled an evacuation in such a serious crash with no injuries. And even more so to the crew for understanding and implementing them flawlessly. 467
Great credit to the fitness of the Japanese passengers for being so agile,mobile and above all for being calm in a perilous situation. 450
there was some luck in that they were able to use the front exits so the escape slides were not as steep an angle. Use of the escape slides often results in leg/ankle injuries. This shows how important it is to read the safety card and listen to the safety brief EVERY time you fly. Even if you fly all the time, running through how to escape the aircraft when you board means it will be much fresher in your mind if you need to evacuate. Much more so than when you heard it a week ago when you last flew. What a tribute to how safe the aviation industry is!! The ATC tapes will tell quite a bit but the thing to remember is that the aviation industry knows that all humans make mistakes and these incidents are always down to a chain of events so it won’t be one of the pilots fault and don’t believe anyone who tells you otherwise as they are just se4nsationalising a tragic event which is the real wrong doing in this scenario 328
幸運だったのは、正面出口を使用できたため、脱出用滑り台の角度がそれほど急ではなかったということです。脱出用スライドを使用すると、脚や足首に怪我をすることがよくあります。これは、飛行するたびに安全カードを読み、安全に関する説明を聞くことがいかに重要であるかを示しています。いつも飛行機に乗っているとしても、搭乗時に飛行機からの脱出方法を練習しておくと、避難が必要になったときのことがずっと頭の中に残ります。 1週間前に最後に飛行機に乗ったときに聞いたときよりもずっとそうです。航空業界の安全性を示す素晴らしいものです。 ATCテープはかなりのことを語ってくれますが、覚えておくべきことは、航空業界は、人間は誰しもミスをするものであり、こうした事故は常に一連の出来事によって引き起こされることを知っているということです。そのため、パイロットの一人のせいではなく、パイロットのせいではないということです。違うことを言う人は信じてください。彼らは悲劇的な出来事を正当化しているだけであり、このシナリオでは本当に間違ったことです。
Japan start a rough year…..but I believe Japan will rise more stronger than before. Japan is brave. Praying for Japan. 328
Modern passenger jets are designed to be more fire resistant and so the fire spreaded a lot slower than previous iterations, giving the passengers and crews that prescious several minutes more to spare. Of course the cooperative passengers and the professionalism of the cabin crew should get the credits. 306
The loss of life is terrible but that could have been so much worse. Huge credit to the training and dedication of cabin crew. 160
“From Australia, our thoughts are with all our friends in Japan, the victims family and friends. RIP the lost. 🇦🇺🤝🇯🇵” 152
オーストラリアより、私たちの思いは日本の友人全員、被害者の家族や友人たちにあります。 失われた人たちよ、安らかに。 🇦🇺🤝🇯🇵
The loss of the crew, especially given that they were heading to help with the earthquake rescue, is heartbreaking. My deepest condolences to their family and friends. On the other hand, I have unbounded admiration for the cabin crew. They are absolute heroes and have my greatest respect. Also I have admiration for the passengers who acted calmly, following the rules. I have seen far too many videos of people coming down escape chutes clutching their carry on bags – things which took time to retrieve, holding up other passengers in their turn. Such selfish actions have lead to the deaths of the last to get near to the door. The rest of the world needs to pay attention to the orderly way, respectful of fellow passengers, these people acted.  148
乗組員の死は、特に地震救助に向かう途中だったことを考えると、胸が張り裂けそうです。彼らのご家族やご友人に心よりお悔やみを申し上げます。 その一方で、私は客室乗務員に対して限りない尊敬の念を抱いています。彼らは絶対的なヒーローであり、私は最大限の敬意を払っています。 また、ルールを守って冷静に行動した乗客にも敬意を表します。私は、キャリーバッグを握りしめながら脱出シュートを降りてくる人々の動画をあまりにも多く見てきました。バッグを取り出すのに時間がかかり、順番に他の乗客を拘束しているのです。このような利己的な行動により、最後にドアに近づいた者が死に至りました。他の国々は、これらの人々の同乗者を尊重した秩序ある行動に注目する必要がある。
The ending statement is very true. Been hearing about even ATC’s and how mid air collisions are closer to happening. As there are a ton of near misses already happened and we only hear of some of them. Bravo to the flight crew and the a350. 114
The crew should be rewarded for the great job they did to save the lives of all the passengers in no time.
N those who died including the five coast guard may their souls rest in peace Amen 🙏  103
沿岸警備隊5名を含む亡くなった方々の魂が安らかに眠れますように アーメン 🙏
Bit of eerie coincidence: The coast guard plane was a Bombardier Dash-8 built in 2009, and had also been present at Sendai airport when that got flooded by the tsunami caused by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. The only plane there that could still be repaired, now found its end flying aid missions for yet another earthquake. 87
ちょっと不気味な偶然だ: この海上保安庁の飛行機は2009年に製造されたボンバルディアのダッシュ8で、2011年の東日本大震災による津波で仙台空港が浸水した際にもその場にいた。修理が可能な唯一の飛行機が、今また新たな震災のために援助活動をすることになったのだ。
This is why you listen to the cabin crew giving you instructions, also how cabin crew risk their own lives getting all the passengers off first. 54
Respect to the Japanese security services. Turkey is always ready to help your country, we are brothers🇯🇵🇹🇷🙏🏼 41
The crew (and the passengers) of the 350 deserve a lot of praise for getting those people off so quickly. Certainly does confirm the 90s rule regards to how quickly the fire spreads on an aircraft 37
350 の乗組員 (および乗客) は、これらの人々を非常に迅速に降ろしたことで多くの賞賛に値します。確かに、航空機での火災の延焼速度に関する90年代のルールが裏付けられています。
The crew of course did a good job but the main reason was because the passengers followed orders well. If this happened anywhere else I don’t think it would be so easy. 35
Since the Japanese Ministry of Land and Traffic let a 170% flight increase at the already full Haneda, runway accidents increased. Runway control got more complex and rushed, and hard-to-see-at-night small crafts have to share a limited number of runways with large crafts for 24H. They even reduced the number of ATC staff. It was an accident waiting to happen. 32
RIP 😭😭😭
those who passed away, all other 369 passengers saved, thanks, god bless all of you
Ladakh India  27
安らかに 😭😭😭
亡くなられた方々、他の 369 名の乗客全員が救われました、ありがとう、皆さんに神のご加護がありますように
Pray to those five workers who lost lives in this jet accident and those in the earthquake. 🙏❤ 24
このジェット機事故で命を落とした5人の作業員と地震で命を落とした作業員に祈りを捧げます。 🙏❤
There has a been an increase of near misses in 2023. The collision actually happened this time 20
“May the lost souls rest peacefully and may the surviving pilot recover well. ❤
Much gratitude for the aid and the swift response by the Haneda ground services. 👏
Incredible that all passenger and crew survived from the A350, a very well executed evacuation procedure by the JAL flight crew. 👏” 19
失われた魂が安らかに眠れますように、そして生き残ったパイロットが順調に回復しますように。 ❤
羽田地上サービスの援助と迅速な対応に多大な感謝を申し上げます。 👏
A350から乗客と乗務員全員が生き残ったのは信じられないことですが、JALの乗務員は非常に適切な避難手順を実行しました。 👏

