






This was brilliant to watch very relaxing and so interesting the work gone into this weapon is just amazing well done to this man and his skills using it aswell. Thank you 1410
Doesn’t matter what profession it is, watching a master at work is not only educational but also often mesmerizing 298
It’s remarkable that this tradition has managed to survive intact for hundreds of years after the samurai ceased to exist. As long as there are living swordsmiths like Master Kawachi and others, hopefully this tradition continues. 234
So fantastic that men of his skill are still making these beautiful swords. I hope he is passing his knowledge to some that believe like this ancient craftsman. He is amazing beyond words. I hope he lives another 75 years. He will live for centuries in the swords he created! 208
彼のような技術を持った人たちが、いまだにこのような美しい刀を作り続けているのはとても素晴らしいことだ。 私は、彼がこの古代の職人のように信じる人たちに知識を伝えていることを願っている。 彼は言葉では言い表せないほど素晴らしい。あと75年は生きていてほしい。彼が作った刀で何世紀も生き続けるだろう!
The time to build a sword of this quality is priceless and takes knowledge passed down from many generations. Hand forged Japanese steel is at the top of my list of blades and would be honored to have one of these swords this man built.  96
この品質の剣を作るのにかかる時間は非常に貴重であり、何世代にもわたって受け継がれてきた知識が必要です。 手鍛造された日本鋼は私の刃物リストのトップにあり、この男が作ったこれらの刀を手に入れることができて光栄です。
Watching a true craftsman applying a skill that’s thousands of years old is indescribably beautiful. I’ve watch hundreds of bladesmiths present their craft using steel that they buy from a supply house, and use modern methods to weld and form a billet, but watching this gentleman produce a piece of art from ore that’s dug from the ground is truly incredible. I hope that he has apprentices who will carry on his craft for another millennia. Incredible work!!! 68
He is obviously very skilled. I am a blade smith and the amount of work that goes into becoming this good is amazing. 49
No wonder these swords are so sought after, they are beautifully crafted by this sword smith. this is not just a weapon, the soul of the smith is imbibed into this beautiful Katana. It is a work of art.  47
これらの剣が非常に人気があるのも不思議ではありませんが、この刀鍛冶によって美しく作られています。 これは単なる武器ではなく、この美しい刀には鍛冶職人の魂が込められています。 作品です 芸術。
Literally anything crafted in Japan is made to perfection and with the utmost reverence towards the process, I absolutely admire this about the Japanese culture. 45
It’s amazing to watch such work. The effort, the details, the process… My respect to this Man!!  29
このような作品を見るのは素晴らしいことです。 その努力、その詳細、プロセス… この男に敬意を表します!!
There are no words to describe how amazing and incredible this sword making process is. So much respect to this awesome sword master 🙂 23
この刀づくりのプロセスがどれほど驚くべきものであるかを説明する言葉はありません。この素晴らしい剣の達人に敬意を表します 🙂
This gentleman is a living treasure and on his passing he will take with him a 1.000 years of knowledge and tradition. A Katana is not a mere sword but a depository of this person’s soul. Thank you for this great video. 23
This is just so cool. How in the world were all the many steps developed? Trial and error for sure to some extent, but deciding to try straw ash? Two kinds of mud? Amazing. This level of craftsmanship, as well, is not often seen. 22
No matter where in the world, handmade production is unlike any fabricated production. I convey my love to our masters who keep our handcraft cultures alive all over the world. 22
Absolutely magnificent! All my respect and admiration to this very disciplined old man for keeping a very rare and cultural thing alive and well! 21
This man is a true artist! These swords are truly elegant. 20
Thank you so much for this. You are indeed a treasure for Japan! 19
The respect love and honor he showed to this sword was inspiring 18

